Governor Committees
Governor meetings this academic year:
The majority of meetings for the academic year 2022-23 are being held via Zoom and consist of the Full Governing Body members regardless of the meeting focus.
Achievement, Behaviour and Curriculum Committee:
The ABC Committee is responsible for reviewing behaviour and safety, teaching and learning, pupil progress and attainment, the curriculum including enrichment, and pupil voice.
- Mrs K Hill (Chair)
- Mrs Brooks
- Mrs S Crick
- Mr P Spencer
Finance and Resources:
The Resources Committee is responsible for premises, financial planning and budgeting, purchases and resourcing, staff pay and PFI related matters.
- Mrs S Crick
- Mrs D Gorasia
- Mr N Patel (Chair)
- Mrs M Gami
- Mrs K Hill
- Mrs D Gorasia
- Mrs S Crick
Discipline/Exclusion Appeals panel:
The following governors have completed the training for this:
- Mrs D Gorasia
- Mrs K Hill
- Mrs S Crick
Head Teacher’s Performance Management Review
- Mrs D Gorasia
- Mrs K Hill
- Mrs M Gami
Pay/Salary Review
- Mrs S Crick
- Mrs K Hill
- Mr N Patel
As in previous years it was agreed that governors would make themselves available as and when necessary for the following panels:
Curriculum complaints
- Parental complaints
- Employee Grievance/Discipline
- Employee Appeals
Designated Governors:
- Health and Safety / Premises: Mr N Patel
- Safeguarding: Mrs K Hill
- Attendance: Mrs K Hill
- Equalities: Mrs D Wolseley
- SEND: Mrs S Brooks
- Curriculum: Mrs D Gorasia & Mr P Spencer
- Early Reading: Mrs M Gami
- EYFS: Mrs M Gami
- Pupil Premium / LAC: Mrs Brooks