Science Curriculum Overviews
Science Curriculum Map
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
Autumn 1 |
Use of everyday Materials |
Forces and Magnets |
Animals including humans - Eating and Digestion |
Forces |
Electricity |
Autumn 2 |
Everyday materials |
Living things and their habitats |
Rocks |
States of Matter |
Living things and their habitats Life Cycle |
Living things and their habitats |
Spring 1 |
Changing seasons |
Animals including Humans |
Animals including Humans
Sound |
Properties and Change of Materials |
Animals including Humans |
Spring 2 |
Identifying Animals |
Light |
Summer 1 |
Plants |
Growing Plants |
Plants |
Electricity |
Earth and Space |
Evolution and Inheritance
Summer 2 |
Our Body |
Super Scientists |
Light |
Living things and their habitats |
Animals, including humans |
Below are the overviews showing what is being taught each term, within each year group, in Science.