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Camrose Primary School

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools for children of statutory school age who are eligible under the following criteria:

  • Low-income families who are known to be eligible for Free school meals (FSM) in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings. From 2012-2013 this has also included pupils eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (known as the Ever 6 FSM measure).
  • Children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months
  • Children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces.

Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit in order to ‘narrow the gap’ in children’s educational attainment. However, we are held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils from low-income families. From September 2012 we are required to publish online information about how we have used the Premium. This will ensure that parents and others are made fully aware of the attainment of pupils covered by the Premium and the extra support that they receive.

If you believe you may be eligible for Free School Meals but have not already registered this with us, please do so as soon as possible because it can help the school to fund additional provision for your child.

Pupil Premium at Camrose Primary School

Pupil Premium at Camrose Primary School is used primarily to accelerate the progress for eligible children, through the planning and delivery of a range of enhanced and personalised learning experiences and interventions.

We have 24% of children who are entitled to Pupil Premium funding.

We regularly review our Pupil Premium initiatives to ensure they are having a positive impact. Each year we plan priorities for this years expenditure based on the cohort of eligible children and these are reviewed termly.

Disadvantaged Pupils: Summary

The barriers and challenges disadvantaged pupils face at Camrose Primary School are varied. We are a diverse, average sized primary school in Harrow. 86% of the school population have English as an additional language with a quarter of pupils (26%) in the Early Acquisition / New to English stages.

There are 10% SEND pupils at Camrose and 23% of pupils are classified as ‘Disadvantaged’ which is broadly in line with national average. 31% of our Disadvantaged pupils are also classified as SEND pupils.

Issues are seen as barriers to be overcome and are identified for all of our children, including our disadvantaged pupils. Barriers to learning are identified from rigorous data analysis (as well as an understanding of our school’s context) and are addressed as priorities in both our development plan and separate ‘Pupil Premium’ plan. All staff are made aware of ‘barriers for learning’ for individual pupils during half termly pupil progress meetings.

A focus on disadvantaged pupils runs through the school. All staff are made aware of who our PP children are and what potential barriers to learning there are for individuals. All staff contribute to the strategies used in school to support our disadvantaged pupils. All staff know what the intended outcomes are for our disadvantaged pupils. Staff are involved in the tracking and assessment of our PP children, and aware of their accountability.

We have looked specifically at the profile of all our Pupil Premium children across the school and thought carefully about how we address the specific barriers that these individual children have. This is helping to inform us as we plan the necessary actions to improve the outcomes for all our Pupil Premium children. We have identified three key barriers to learning and have created a detailed action plan to tackle these aspects across the school.

Pupil premium strategy statement: Camrose Primary School 2022-23

Summary information


Camrose Primary School

Academic Year


Total PP budget

(including Premium recovery Funding)


Date of most recent PP Review

Oct 2023

Total number of pupils


Number of pupils eligible for PP


Date for next internal review of this strategy

Feb 2024

Attainment KS2 – 2022 data compared to nicer national results

2022 Data

Pupils eligible for PP (your school)

Pupils eligible for PP (national average)

Progress in reading

+1.6 (Other: +2.3)

-0.8 (Other: +0.5)

Progress in writing

+1.6 (Other: -0.8)

-0.7 (Other: +0.5)

Progress in maths

+3.3 (Other: +5.8)

-1.10 (Other: +0.7)



Accessing the Pupil Premium at Camrose Primary School

Funding is allocated to the school on an annual basis. It is important that if you think your child is eligible for pupil premium support, you must contact the school office for more information. Individual requests for financial support for school-based activities are considered by the Headteacher. Requests can be made via the school office.

Most recent report

Next update will be published in September 2024

Previous Reports